Sanitation part time job opportunity in Kitchener, Ontario for students and residents

A private company primarily working in the food industry is hiring workers as part time sanitation workers in Kitchener. Treehouse Foods, a popular food and beverage company is on boarding part-time associates as Part-time Sanitation job Kitchener.

Part-time Sanitation job Kitchener

As a part of the job, the selected candidate have to engage in services that require sanitation of the premises and the company interior. Offices and other spaces shall be sanitised and kept clean on a daily basis during the time of work.

Along with this, the worker will also have to clean various workstations, instruments and machines used in the company.

Eligibility to apply

A candidate who is interested in this job must check whether they are eligible to apply for this work. The person applying for this post have to have a very good fit body due to the physical nature of the work.

The candidate have to wear PPE kits during the works to ensure proper cleanliness and hygiene. They will have to adhere to the food safety guidelines.


Candidates should have experience in working in the manufacturing or food production sector. They should be able to lift a maximum of 50 pounds of weight (equivalent to 22kg). They should be physically well enough to walk and stand for longer duration.

The candidate must have good communication skills in English and have a high school or college diploma minimum.

Shifts and Timing

The candidate have to available on weekends. The works starts at 7.00 AM in the morning and will end at 3.00 PM or 5.00 PM in the evening.

Deadline for this Part-time Sanitation job Kitchener

The dead line to send your application is on 16th December 2024. Interested candidates shall send their application with resume before the above mentioned date to ensure proper exposure in selection.

How to apply

Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official portal directly. The candidate has to have an updated resume while applying online. Interested people can use the online portal link to apply directly – Apply here

What else: Find more Jobs in Ontario and Jobs in Kitchener here.